PACUCOA policies and accreditation procedure
Since accreditation is a serious attempt to achieve a high degree of quality in the operations/administration of a program or a school, school heads and administrators, faculty and staff are advised to take note of the policies and steps in the process.
Policy Statements
(1) Any school/program, including a school selected to try out a new survey instrument, will have to undergo an orientation on accreditation visit prior to the conduct of the self-survey. The purpose of the orientation on accreditation visit is to orient the constituents of the school on the philosophy, objectives, policies, and procedures of accreditation and to ascertain whether the school has complied with the basic requirements of accreditation. However, an orientation on accreditation visits may also be scheduled to extend technical assistance to a program/school any time the school needs it.
(2) The orientation on accreditation visits may be scheduled at any time during the school year.
(3) The program can proceed with the self-survey if and when it is given the go signal to do so by the Board of Directors.
(1) Applicant school submits a written request for orientation on accreditation visit, starting the date of the visit and the program/s to be accredited.
(2) PACUCOA schedules the visit, invites a team of technical experts, usually two per program and notifies the institution accordingly.
(3) A workshop is conducted where the constituents of the school are oriented on the philosophy, objectives, policies, and procedures of accreditation. An ocular tour of the facilities is done to assess whether the school can proceed with the self-survey.
(4) The PACUCOA Board of Directors either gives the school the go signal to proceed with the self-survey requires the school to comply with the recommendations of the team of technical experts before conducting the self-survey. The program should undergo a preliminary visit, not later than one year form the time the orientation on accreditation visit was done. Otherwise, the program will be required to undergo another orientation on an accreditation visit.
Policy Statements
(1) A self-survey instrument rating on the eight (8) or nine (9) areas will have to be done using the proscribed survey instrument and submitted to PACUCOA secretariat.
(2) The accreditors are expected to study the documents submitted by the school including the compliance report and the self-survey instruments before the visit.
(1) Upon submission to PACUCOA of a letter of intent and approval of the dates of the survey visit, the chairman of the Survey Executive Committee shall inform the academic community of the visit to generate maximum awareness, preparation and participation.
(2) The Survey Executive Committee shall see to the readiness and availability of the following:
2.1. the accreditors' work headquarters provided withe adequate amenities;
2.2. the necessary exhibits and other evidences in support of the self-survey report are placed in the headquarters;
2.3. the availability of the officers, faculty, staff, students and alumni of the school who may be interviewed by the
2.4. call slips for interview schedules;
2.5. syllabi, class register, and seat plans for class visitation.
(3) Upon arrival, the team chairman prepares the schedule of activities for the survey visit in consultation with the Survey Executive Committee chairman. The schedule usually includes an orientation meeting with the members of the Survey Executive Committee, separate dialogues with the students, alumni and faculty representatives, together with non-teaching staff, examination of exhibits, ocular visits of facilities, class observation, interviews, post accreditation conference and exit meeting with the administrators.
(4) The accrediting team verifies the self-survey report by reviewing the exhibits, observing classes, conducting formal and informal interviews/dialogues with the constituents of the school and community members and ocular visits.
(5) The accrediting team prepares a report and submits the same to the PACUCOA secretariat not later that two weeks after the visit.
(6) The PACUCOA Board of Directors deliberates on the report and acts on it. The action of the board of directors may either be one of the following options:
6.1. The school may be given candidate status for two years and may apply for a formal accredited status within two years;
6.2. The Board of Directors may defer action on the program for six months to one year pending substantial compliance with
the recommendations of the accrediting team;
(7) PACUCOA transmits the action of the Board of Directors as well as the chairman's report, containing the strengths, points to improve and recommendations to the school.
(8) FAAP is officially informed of the Board of Director's decision for certification purposes.
Policy Statements
(1) Upon submission to PACUCOA of a letter of intent and a compliance report indicating substantial and satisfactory compliance with the recommendations of the Preliminary Survey Team, the schedule for a Formal Survey Visit may be set.
(2) A self-survey rating on the eight (8)/nine (9) areas will have to be done again the prescribed survey instrument and submitted to PACUCOA secretariat.
(3) The accreditors are expected to study the documents submitted by the school including the compliance report and the self-survey instruments before the visit.
(1) Upon approval of the dates of the survey visit, the chairman of the survey executive committee shall inform the academic community of the visit to generate maximum awareness, preparation and participation.
(2) The Survey Executive Committee shall see to the readiness and availability to the following:
2.1. the accreditor's work headquarters, provided with adequate amenities;
2.2. the necessary exhibits and other evidences in support of the self-survey report;
2.3. the availability of the officers, faculty, staff, students and alumni of the school who may be interviewed by the
2.4. syllabi, class registers, and seat plan for class visitation.
(3) Upon arrival, the team chairman prepares the schedule of activities for the survey, in consultation with the Survey Executive Committee chairman. The schedule usually includes an orientation meeting with the members of the Survey Executive Committee, separate dialogue with students, alumni and faculty representatives, together with non-teaching staff, examination of exhibits, ocular visits of facilities, class observation and interviews, post accreditation conference and exit meeting with the administrators.
(4) The accrediting team verifies the self-survey report by reviewing the exhibits, observing classes, conducting formal and informal interviews/dialogues with the constituents of the school and community members and ocular visits.
(5) The accrediting team prepares a report and submits the same to the PACUCOA secretariat not later than two weeks after the visit.
(6) The PACUCOA Board of Directors deliberates on the report and acts on it. The action of the Board of Directors may either be one of the following options:
6.1. The school may be given formal accredited status for three years
6.2. The Board of Directors may defer action on the program for six months t one year pending substantial compliance with
the recommendations of the accrediting team.
(7) PACUCOA transmits the action of the Board of Directors as well as the chairman's report to the school.
(8) FAAP is officially informed of the Board of Director's decision for certification purposes.
Policy Statements
(1) Upon submission to PACUCOA of a letter of intent, at least 6 months prior to the expiration of the accreditation status and compliance report, indicating substantial and satisfactory compliance with the recommendations of the Level I Accreditation Survey Team, the schedule for a Level II Reaccreditation survey visit may be set.
(2) A self-survey report and ratings on the eight (8)/nine (9) areas will have to be accomplished again and submitted to the PACUCOA secretariat.
(3) The accreditors are expected to study the documents submitted by the school including the compliance report and the self-survey instruments before the visit.
(1) Upon approval of the dates of the survey visit, the chairman of the survey executive committee shall inform the academic community of the visit to generate maximum awareness, preparation and participation.
(2) The Survey Executive Committee shall see to the readiness and availability of the following:
2.1. the accreditors' work headquarters, complete with adequate amenities;
2.2. the necessary exhibits and other evidences in support of the self-survey report;
2.3. the availability of the officers, faculty, staff, students and alumni of the school who may be interviewed by the
2.4. call slips for interview schedules;
2.5. syllabi, class registers, and seat plans for class visitation.
(3) The team chairman prepares the schedule of activities during the survey visit in consultation with the survey executive committee chairman upon arrival. The schedule usually includes an orientation meeting with the members of the survey executive committee, separate dialogues with students, parents, alumni and faculty representatives together with non-teaching staff, examination of exhibits, ocular visits of facilities, class observation and interviews, post accreditation conference and exit meeting with the administrators.
(4) The accrediting team verifies the self-survey report by reviewing the exhibits, observing classes, conducting formal and informal interviews/dialogues with the constituents of the school and community members and ocular visits.
(5) The accrediting team prepares a report and submits the same to the PACUCOA secretariat not later than two weeks after the visit.
(6) The PACUCOA Board of Directors deliberates on te report and acts on it. The action of the Board of Directors may either be one of the following options:
6.1. The school may be given Level II Reaccredited status for fice years.
6.2. The school may be given Level II Reaccredited Status for five years on condition that it submits a periodic report on its
compliance with the recommendations of the accrediting team.
6.3. The Board of Directors may defer action on the program for six months to one year pending substantial compliance
with the recommendations of the accrediting team.
(7) PACUCOA transmits the action of the Board of Directors as well as the chairman's report to the school.
(8) FAAP is officially informed of the Board of Director's decision for certification purposes.
Policy Statements
(1) A Level II Reaccredited Status should have been attained by the program with a general average rating of at least 4.0 and a mean numerical rating of at least 4.0 in each of survey.
(2) Within two years after the grant of Level II Reaccredited Status, a qualified program can apply for a Level III visit by complying with the following requirements:
The school submits its compliance report, showing its full compliance with the recommendations during the previous accreditation visit.
The school submits the pre-requisite documents, 60 days before the schedule of the visit. (See Chapter III, page 84) to prove its compliance with the first two mandatory criteria and two optional criteria as follows:
(1) Upon approval of the dates of the survey visit, the chairman of the survey executive committee shall inform the academic community of the visit to generate maximum awareness, preparation and participation from them.
(2) The Survey Executive Committee shall see the readiness and availability of the following:
2.1. the accreditors' work headquarters,complete with adequate amenities;
2.2. the necessary exhibits and other evidences in support of the self-survey report and the additional criteria for level iii
2.3. the availability of the officers, faculty, staff, students and alumni of the school who may be interviewed by the
2.4. call slips for interview schedules;
2.5. syllabi, class registers, and seat plans for class visitation.
(3) The accrediting team chairman prepares the schedule of activities during the survey visit in consultation with the survey executive committee chairman upon arrival. The schedule usually includes an orientation meeting with the members of the survey executive committee, separate dialogues with students, alumni and faculty representatives together with non-teaching staff, examination of exhibits, ocular visits of facilities, class observation, and interviews, post accreditation conference and exit meeting with the administrators.
(4) The accrediting team verifies the self-survey report by reviewing the exhibits, assessing the evidences, observing classes, conducting formal and informal interviews/dialogues with the constituents of the school and community members and ocular visits.
(5) The accrediting team prepares a report and submits the same to the PACUCOA secretariat not later than two weeks after the visit.
(6) The PACUCOA Board of Directors deliberates on the report and acts on it. The action of the Board of Directors may either be one of the following options:
6.1. The program may be granted Level III Reaccredited Status for five years.
6.2. The Board of Directors may defer action on the program for six months to one year pending full compliance with the
recommendations of the accrediting team.
6.3. The program may be granted Level II Reaccredited status.
(7) PACUCOA transmits the action of the Board of Directors as well as the chariman's report to the school.
(8) FAAP is officially informed of the Board of Director's decision for certification purposes.
Policy Statements
(1) After 5 years of Level III reaccredited status, a program may apply for Level IV visit six (6) months before the 5-year status expires.
(2) A self-survey report on the nine (9) areas of survey will have to be accomplished again and submitted to the PACUCOA secretariat together with narrative responses with appropriate documentations on the following six (6) criteria for Level IV, 60 days before the schedule visit:
Criterion 1. Excellent Outcomes in Teaching and Learning
Criterion 2. Research Productivity as Tool for Institutional Effectiveness
Criterion 3. Community Service
Criterion 4. Linkages and Consortia
Criterion 5. Career Planning and Development for Students
Criterion 6. Planning Process
(3) If the mean rating in all the self-survey areas and in all the six (6) criteria are least 4.00, the program is granted Level IV accredited status; if the rating is lower than 4.00, the program is retained in Level III reaccredited status for 5 years.
Eligibility Criteria for Institutional Accreditation
(1) The Arts and Sciences, Business and Education programs should have been granted Level III reaccredited status. For stand alone or monolithic institutions which do not offer the traditional courses such as Arts and Sciences, Business and Education, its core programs/s must be on Level III status. At least one of the programs should have been granted level IV accredited status.
(2) 75% of the HEI's program offerings should be accredited. The accredited programs may have Level I or Level II status. Programs where there are no existing evaluation instruments will not be included in the computation.
(3) Majority of the total student population should be enrolled in the accredited programs. New program offerings which do not have graduates yet, will not be included in the computation.
(4) The performance of graduates in licensure examinations in the accredited programs should be at par with or above the national passing average for at least five consecutive board examinations.
(5) The HEI should have well developed quality assurance mechanisms.
(1) The accrediting agency informs the school that it is eligible to apply for Institutional Accreditation.
(2) The agency sends the criteria to the HEI and determines the time frame within which the institution should submit the documents.
(3) No visitation is required for those invited to apply for Institutional Accreditation. Submitted documents will suffice.
(4) The accrediting agency reviews the documents submitted and verifies compliance with the criteria set by FAAP for institutional accreditation.
(5) If the eligibility criteria have been met, the accrediting agency recommends to the FAAP that the accredited program be granted Institutional Accreditation. In the event that the school is accredited by two accrediting agencies, the recommendation to grant institutional accreditation shall be done by the accrediting agency where majority of the programs were accredited. In cases where the number of accredited programs are shared equally by two accrediting agencies, then the recommendations to grant institutional accreditation shall be done by the two accrediting agencies concerned.
(6) The FAAP Board during a regular meeting shall review the report submitted by the agency and certify the institution has been granted institutional accreditation. The new status shall be co-terminus with the number of years granted to a program during the last accreditation visit. Subsequent re-survey visits will be institutional, except for programs such as Engineering, Medicine and Nursing because of covenant agreements with other countries or organizations.
(7) FAAP shall issue the corresponding certificate attesting that the HEI is now institutionally accredited.